Source code for gd.utils.http_request

import asyncio
import platform

from yarl import URL
import aiohttp

import gd

from gd.typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from gd.logging import get_logger
from gd.errors import HTTPError
from gd.utils.text_tools import make_repr

log = get_logger(__name__)

BASE = ""
VALID_ERRORS = (OSError, aiohttp.ClientError)

[docs]class HTTPClient: """Class that handles the main part of the entire - sending HTTP requests.""" def __init__( self, *, url: Union[str, URL] = BASE, use_user_agent: bool = False, forwarded_for: Optional[str] = None, proxy: Optional[str] = None, proxy_auth: Optional[aiohttp.BasicAuth] = None, timeout: Union[float, int] = 150, max_requests: int = 250, debug: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(max_requests) self.url = URL(url) self.use_agent = use_user_agent self.forwarded_for = forwarded_for self.proxy = proxy self.proxy_auth = proxy_auth self.timeout = timeout self.debug = debug self.last_result = None # for testing def __repr__(self) -> str: info = { "debug": self.debug, "max_requests": self.semaphore._value, "timeout": self.timeout, "url": repr(self.url), } return make_repr(self, info) @staticmethod def get_default_agent() -> str: string = "{} python/{} aiohttp/{}" return string.format(gd.__version__, platform.python_version(), aiohttp.__version__) def make_skip_headers(self) -> List[str]: return ["User-Agent", "Accept-Encoding"] def make_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: headers = {} if self.use_agent: headers["User-Agent"] = self.get_default_agent() if self.forwarded_for: headers["X-Forwarded-For"] = self.forwarded_for return headers def make_timeout(self) -> aiohttp.ClientTimeout: return aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout)
[docs] def change_url(self, url: Union[str, URL]) -> None: """Change base for requests. Default base is ````, but it can be changed. Parameters ---------- url: :class:`str` Base to change HTTPClient base to. """ self.url = URL(url)
[docs] def set_max_requests( self, value: int = 250, *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None ) -> None: """Creates an :class:`asyncio.Semaphore` object with given ``value`` and ``loop`` in order to limit amount of max requests at a time. Parameters ---------- value: :class:`int` Value to set semaphore to. Default is ``250``. loop: :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` Event loop to pass to semaphore's constructor. """ self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(value, loop=loop)
[docs] def set_debug(self, debug: bool = False) -> None: """Set http client debugging. Parameters ---------- debug: :class:`bool` Whether to set debug on or off. """ self.debug = bool(debug)
[docs] async def fetch( self, php: str, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, get_cookies: bool = False, cookie: Optional[str] = None, custom_base: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Union[bytes, int, str]]: """|coro| Sends an HTTP Request to a Geometry Dash server and returns the response. Parameters ---------- php: :class:`str` The endpoint for the request URL, passed like this: .. code-block:: python3 url = '' + php + '.php' params: Union[:class:`dict`, :class:`str`] Parameters to send with the request. Type ``dict`` is prefered. get_cookies: :class:`bool` Indicates whether to fetch a cookie. This is used in different account management actions. cookie: :class:`str` Cookie, represented as string. Technically should be catched with ``get_cookies`` set to ``True``. custom_base: [:class:`str`, :class:`yarl.URL`] Custom base using different Geometry Dash IP. By default ``self.base`` is used. method: :class:`str` Method to use when requesting. This parameter is case insensetive. By default, if ``parameters`` is or empty, ``GET`` is used, otherwise ``POST`` is used. Returns ------- Union[:class:`bytes`, :class:`str`, :class:`int`] ``res`` with the following rules: Returns an :class:`int`, representing server error code, e.g. ``-1``, if server responded with error. Otherwise, returns response from a server as a :class:`str` if successfully decodes it, and on fail returns :class:`bytes`. If a cookie is requested, returns a pair (``res``, ``c``) where c is a :class:`str` cookie. Raises ------ :exc:`.HTTPError` An exception occured during handling request/response. """ base = self.url if custom_base is None else URL(custom_base) url = base / (php + ".php") if method is None: method = "get" if params is None else "post" method = str(method).upper() headers = None if cookie is not None: headers = {"Cookie": cookie} if self.debug: for name, value in {"URL": url, "Data": data, "Params": params}.items(): log.debug(f"{name}: {value}") async with self.semaphore, aiohttp.ClientSession( headers=self.make_headers(), skip_auto_headers=self.make_skip_headers(), timeout=self.make_timeout(), raise_for_status=True, ) as client: try: resp = await client.request( method=method, url=url, data=data, params=params, headers=headers, proxy=self.proxy, proxy_auth=self.proxy_auth, ) except VALID_ERRORS as exc: raise HTTPError(exc) from None data = await if self.debug: log.debug(f"Headers: {dict(resp.request_info.headers)!r}") self.last_result = data.decode(errors="replace") result = self.last_result if len(result) > 1000: result = result[:1000] + "..." log.debug(f"Response: {result}") try: res = data.decode() try: return int(res) except ValueError: pass except UnicodeDecodeError: res = data if get_cookies: c = str(resp.cookies).split(" ").pop(1) return res, c return res
[docs] async def request( self, route: str, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, custom_base: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, # 'error_codes' is a dict: {code: error_to_raise} error_codes: Optional[Dict[int, Exception]] = None, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), should_map: bool = False, get_cookies: bool = False, cookie: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Union[bytes, str, int]]: """|coro| A handy shortcut for fetching response from a server and formatting it. Basically does :meth:`HTTPClient.fetch` and operates on its result. Parameters ---------- error_codes: Dict[:class:`int`, :exc:`Exception`] A dictionary that response is checked against. ``Exception`` can be any Exception. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Types of errors to ignore. Raises ------ :exc:`.HTTPError` GD Server has destroyed the connection, or machine has no connection. :exc:`Exception` Exception specified in ``error_codes``, if present. Returns ------- Optional[Union[:class:`int`, :class:`bytes`, :class:`str`]] If ``error_codes`` is omitted, return type is same as return of :meth:`HTTPClient.fetch` call. If error is raised and it is in ``exclude``, returns ``None``. """ if params is None: params = {} if data is None: data = {} if error_codes is None: error_codes = {} try: resp = await self.fetch( php=route, data=data, params=params, get_cookies=get_cookies, cookie=cookie, custom_base=custom_base, method=method, ) if resp in error_codes: raise error_codes.get(resp) except exclude: return return resp
[docs] async def normal_request( self, url: str, data: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None, params: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> bytes: """|coro| Same as doing :meth:`aiohttp.ClientSession.request`, where ``method`` is either given one or ``"GET"`` if ``data`` is None or omitted, and ``"POST"`` otherwise. """ if method is None: method = "GET" if data is None else "POST" if data is None: data = {} if params is None: params = {} async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=self.make_timeout()) as client: try: resp = await client.request( method=method, url=url, data=data, params=params, **kwargs ) data = await except VALID_ERRORS as exc: raise HTTPError(exc) from None if self.debug: for name, value in { "URL": url, "Data": data, "Params": params, "Headers": dict(resp.request_info.headers), }.items(): log.debug(f"{name}: {value}") return data
def call_if_possible(some: Any) -> Any: if callable(some): return some() return some