Source code for gd.session

import asyncio
import json
import string
import time  # for perf_counter in ping

from itertools import chain
from yarl import URL

from gd.typing import (

from gd.errors import (

from gd.utils.converter import Converter
from gd.utils.decorators import check_logged_obj
from gd.utils.enums import (
from gd.utils.filters import Filters
from gd.utils.http_request import HTTPClient
from gd.utils.indexer import Index
from gd.utils.ng_parser import (
from gd.utils.params import Parameters as Params
from gd.utils.parser import ExtDict, Parser
from gd.utils.routes import Route
from gd.utils.text_tools import make_repr
from gd.utils.crypto.coders import Coder

from gd import api


[docs]class Session: """Implements all requests-related functionality. No docstrings here yet... """ def __init__(self, **http_args) -> None: self.http = HTTPClient(**http_args) def __repr__(self) -> str: info = {"http": self.http} return make_repr(self, info) async def ping_server(self, link: str) -> float: start = time.perf_counter() await self.http.normal_request(link) end = time.perf_counter() return round((end - start) * 1000, 2) async def get_song(self, song_id: int = 0) -> ExtDict: payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("song", song_id).finish() codes = { -1: MissingAccess(f"No songs were found with ID: {song_id}."), -2: SongRestrictedForUsage(song_id), } resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_SONG_INFO, payload, error_codes=codes) return Parser().with_split("~|~").should_map().parse(resp) async def test_song(self, song_id: int = 0) -> ExtDict: codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to fetch artist info for ID: {song_id}")} payload = Params().create_new("web").put_definer("song", song_id).close() resp = await self.http.request( Route.TEST_SONG, params=payload, method="get", error_codes=codes ) data = ExtDict(id=song_id) try: data.update(extract_info_from_endpoint(resp)) except ValueError: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to load data. Response: {resp!r}.") from None return data async def get_ng_song(self, song_id: int = 0) -> ExtDict: # just like get_song(), but gets anything available on NG. link = Route.NEWGROUNDS_SONG_LISTEN + str(song_id) content = await self.http.normal_request(link) html = content.decode().replace("\\", "") try: info = find_song_info(html) except ValueError: raise MissingAccess(f"Song was not found by ID: {song_id}") from None return ExtDict(,, id=song_id, size=round(info.size / 1024 / 1024, 2), links=dict(normal=link,, custom=True, ) async def search_page_songs(self, query: str, page: int = 0) -> List[ExtDict]: payload = {"terms": query, "page": page + 1} data = await self.http.normal_request( Route.NEWGROUNDS_SEARCH.format(type="audio"), params=payload ) return search_song_data(data.decode()) async def search_songs(self, query: str, pages: Iterable[int]) -> List[ExtDict]: to_run = [self.search_page_songs(query=query, page=page) for page in pages] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def search_page_users(self, query: str, page: int = 0) -> List[ExtDict]: payload = {"terms": query, "page": page + 1} data = await self.http.normal_request( Route.NEWGROUNDS_SEARCH.format(type="users"), params=payload ) return extract_users(data.decode()) async def search_users(self, query: str, pages: Iterable[int]) -> List[ExtDict]: to_run = [self.search_page_users(query=query, page=page) for page in pages] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def get_page_user_songs(self, user_name: str, page: int = 0) -> List[ExtDict]: link = URL("" % user_name) / f"audio/page/{page + 1}" data = await self.http.normal_request(link, headers={"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}) info = extract_user_songs(json.loads(data.decode(errors="replace"))) for part in info: part.update(author=user_name) return info async def get_user_songs(self, user_name: str, pages: Iterable[int]) -> List[ExtDict]: to_run = [self.get_page_user_songs(user_name=user_name, page=page) for page in pages] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def get_user(self, account_id: int = 0, return_only_stats: bool = False) -> ExtDict: payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("user", account_id).finish() codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"No users were found with ID: {account_id}.")} resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_USER_INFO, payload, error_codes=codes) mapped = Parser().with_split(":").should_map().parse(resp) if return_only_stats: return mapped another = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("search", mapped.getcast(Index.USER_PLAYER_ID, 0, int)) .put_total(0) .put_page(0) .finish() ) some_resp = await self.http.request(Route.USER_SEARCH, another) new_resp = ( Parser().split("#").take(0).check_empty().split(":").should_map().parse(some_resp) ) if new_resp is None: raise codes.get(-1) mapped.update( {k: new_resp.get(k) for k in (Index.USER_NAME, Index.USER_ICON, Index.USER_ICON_TYPE)} ) return mapped async def search_user(self, query: Union[int, str], return_abstract: bool = False) -> ExtDict: payload = ( Params().create_new().put_definer("search", query).put_total(0).put_page(0).finish() ) codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Searching for {query!r} failed.")} resp = await self.http.request(Route.USER_SEARCH, payload, error_codes=codes) mapped = Parser().split("#").take(0).check_empty().split(":").should_map().parse(resp) if mapped is None: raise codes.get(-1) account_id = mapped.getcast(Index.USER_ACCOUNT_ID, 0, int) if return_abstract or not account_id: return mapped # ok; if we should not return abstract, let's find all other parameters payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("user", account_id).finish() resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_USER_INFO, payload, error_codes=codes) mapped.update(Parser().with_split(":").should_map().parse(resp)) return mapped async def get_level_info(self, level_id: int = 0) -> Tuple[ExtDict, ExtDict, ExtDict]: # level data, creator, song assert level_id >= -2, "Invalid Level ID provided." if level_id < 0: type, number, cooldown = await self.get_timely_info(level_id) else: type, number, cooldown = 0, -1, -1 ext = {"101": type, "102": number, "103": cooldown} codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get a level. Given ID: {level_id}")} payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("levelid", level_id).finish() resp = await self.http.request(Route.DOWNLOAD_LEVEL, payload, error_codes=codes) level_data = Parser().split("#").take(0).split(":").add_ext(ext).should_map().parse(resp) real_id = level_data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_ID, 0, int) payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("search", real_id) .put_filters(Filters.setup_empty()) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.LEVEL_SEARCH, payload, error_codes=codes) if not resp or resp.count("#") < 2: raise codes.get(-1) data = resp.split("#") # getting song song_data = data[2] if not song_data: song = Converter.to_normal_song(level_data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_AUDIO_TRACK, 0, int)) else: song = Parser().with_split("~|~").should_map().parse(song_data) # getting creator creator_data = data[1] if not creator_data: id, name, account_id = (0, "unknown", 0) else: id, name, account_id = creator_data.split(":") creator = ExtDict(id=id, name=name, account_id=account_id) return level_data, creator, song async def get_timely_info(self, type_id: int = -1) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: # Daily: -1, Weekly: -2 weekly = ~type_id payload = Params().create_new().put_weekly(weekly).finish() codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to fetch a {type!r} level.")} resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_TIMELY, payload, error_codes=codes) try: number, cooldown, *_ = map(int, resp.split("|")) except ValueError: # unpacking failed or something else raise MissingAccess( "Failed to fetch a timely level. Most likely it is being refreshed." ) from None number %= 100000 weekly += 1 return (weekly, number, cooldown) async def upload_level( self, data: str, name: str, level_id: int, version: int, length: LevelLength, audio_track: int, desc: str, song_id: int, is_auto: bool, original: int, two_player: bool, objects: int, coins: int, stars: int, unlisted: bool, friends_only: bool, ldm: bool, password: Optional[Union[int, str]], copyable: bool, *, client: Client, ) -> int: data = extra_string = "_".join(map(str, (0 for _ in range(55)))) desc = Coder.do_base64(desc) upload_seed = Coder.gen_level_upload_seed(data) seed2 = Coder.gen_chk(type="level", values=[upload_seed]) seed = Coder.gen_rs() pwd = 0 if copyable and password is None: pwd = 1 check, add = str(password), 1000000 if check.isdigit() and int(check) < add: pwd = add + int(password) if friends_only: unlisted, unlisted2 = (1, 1) elif unlisted: unlisted, unlisted2 = (1, 0) else: unlisted, unlisted2 = (0, 0) payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_definer("song", song_id) .put_seed(seed) .put_seed(seed2, suffix=2) .put_seed(0, prefix="wt") .put_seed(0, prefix="wt", suffix=2) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_username( .finish() ) options = { "level_name": name, "level_desc": desc, "level_version": version, "level_length": length.value, "audio_track": audio_track, "auto": int(is_auto), "original": int(original), "two_player": int(two_player), "objects": objects, "coins": coins, "requested_stars": stars, "unlisted": unlisted, "unlisted2": unlisted2, "ldm": int(ldm), "password": pwd, "level_string": data, "extra_string": extra_string, "level_info": "H4sIAAAAAAAAC_NIrVQoyUgtStVRCMpPSi0qUbDStwYAsgpl1RUAAAA=", } payload_cased = { Converter.snake_to_camel(key): str(value) for key, value in options.items() } payload.update(payload_cased) level_id = await self.http.request(Route.UPLOAD_LEVEL, payload) if level_id == -1: raise MissingAccess("Failed to upload a level.") return level_id async def get_user_list( self, type: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), client: Client ) -> List[ExtDict]: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_type(type) .finish() ) codes = { -1: MissingAccess("Failed to fetch a user list."), -2: NothingFound("gd.AbstractUser"), } resp = await self.http.request( Route.GET_USER_LIST, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude ) if resp is None: return [] resp, parser = resp.split("|"), Parser().with_split(":").should_map() return list(map(parser.parse, resp)) async def get_leaderboard( self, level_id: int, strategy: LevelLeaderboardStrategy, *, client: Client ) -> List[ExtDict]: # timely_type: TimelyType, played: bool = False, timely_index: int = 0, percentage: int = 0, # jumps: int = 0, attempts: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, coins: int = 0 # rs = Coder.gen_rs() # seed = Coder.gen_level_lb_seed(jumps, percentage, seconds, played) # if str(timely_type) == 'weekly': # timely_index += 100000 # values = [ # client.account_id, level_id, percentage, seconds, jumps, attempts, # percentage, 100 - percentage, 1, coins, timely_index, rs # ] # chk = Coder.gen_chk(type='levelscore', values=values) params = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_type(strategy.value) ) # params.put_percent(percentage).put_chk(chk) # for index, value in enumerate(( # attempts + 8354, jumps + 3991, seconds + 4085, seed, random.randint(100, 10000), # "", rs, attempts, coins + 5819, timely_index # ), 1): # params.put_seed(value, prefix='s', suffix=index) payload = params.finish() codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get leaderboard of the level by ID: {level_id!r}.")} resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_LEVEL_SCORES, payload, error_codes=codes) if not resp: return [] resp, parser = ( resp.split("|"), Parser().with_split(":").add_ext({"101": level_id}).should_map(), ) return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, resp))) async def get_top( self, strategy: LeaderboardStrategy, count: int, *, client: Client ) -> List[ExtDict]: needs_login = strategy.value in (1, 2) # special case: map 'players' -> 'top' strategy = if strategy.value else "top" params = Params().create_new().put_type(strategy).put_count(count) codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to fetch leaderboard for strategy: {strategy!r}.")} if needs_login: check_logged_obj(client, "get_top") params.put_definer("accountid", client.account_id).put_password(client.encodedpass) payload = params.finish() resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_USER_TOP, payload, error_codes=codes) resp, parser = resp.split("|"), Parser().with_split(":").should_map() return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, resp))) async def login(self, user: str, password: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: # account_id, id payload = ( Params().create_new().put_login_definer(username=user, password=password).finish_login() ) codes = { -1: LoginFailure(login=user, password=password), -12: MissingAccess(f"Account {user!r} (password {password!r}) is disabled."), } resp = await self.http.request(Route.LOGIN, payload, error_codes=codes) account_id, id, *junk = resp.split(",") return int(account_id), int(id) async def load_save(self, client: Client) -> Optional[api.Database]: link = Route.GD_URL payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_username( .put_definer("password", client.password) .finish_login() ) codes = {-11: MissingAccess(f"Failed to load data for client: {client!r}.")} resp = await self.http.request( Route.LOAD_DATA, payload, error_codes=codes, custom_base=link ) try: main, levels, *_ = resp.split(";") db = await, levels, xor=False, follow_os=False) return db except Exception: return async def do_save(self, data: str, client: Client) -> None: link = Route.GD_URL codes = { -4: MissingAccess("Data is too large."), -5: MissingAccess("Invalid login credentials."), -6: MissingAccess("Something wrong happened."), } payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_username( .put_definer("password", client.password) .put_save_data(data) .finish_login() ) resp = await self.http.request( Route.SAVE_DATA, payload, custom_base=link, error_codes=codes ) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to do backup for client: {client!r}") async def search_levels_on_page( self, page: int = 0, query: str = "", filters: Optional[Filters] = None, user_id: Optional[int] = None, gauntlet: Optional[int] = None, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), client: Client, ) -> Tuple[List[ExtDict], List[ExtDict], List[ExtDict]]: # levels, creators, songs if filters is None: filters = Filters.setup_empty() codes = {-1: MissingAccess("No levels were found.")} params = Params().create_new() if gauntlet is not None: params.put_definer("gauntlet", gauntlet) else: params.put_definer("search", query).put_page(page).put_total(0).put_filters(filters) if filters.strategy == SearchStrategy.BY_USER: if user_id is None: check_logged_obj(client, "search_levels_on_page(...)") user_id = params.put_definer("accountid", client.account_id).put_password( client.encodedpass ) params.put_local(1) params.put_definer("search", user_id) # override the 'str' parameter in request elif filters.strategy == SearchStrategy.FRIENDS: check_logged_obj(client, "search_levels_on_page(..., client=client)") params.put_definer("accountid", client.account_id).put_password(client.encodedpass) payload = params.finish() resp = await self.http.request( Route.LEVEL_SEARCH, payload, exclude=exclude, error_codes=codes ) if not resp: return [], [], [] resp, parser = resp.split("#"), Parser().with_split("~|~").should_map() try: lvdata, cdata, sdata = resp[:3] except ValueError: return [], [], [] songs = list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, sdata.split("~:~")))) creators = [ ExtDict(zip(("id", "name", "account_id"), creator.split(":"))) for creator in filter(is_not_empty, cdata.split("|")) ] parser.with_split(":").add_ext({"101": 0, "102": -1, "103": -1}) levels = list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, lvdata.split("|")))) return levels, creators, songs async def search_levels( self, query: str = "", filters: Optional[Filters] = None, user_id: Optional[int] = None, pages: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, gauntlet: Optional[int] = None, *, client: Client, ) -> List[ExtDict]: to_run = [ self.search_levels_on_page( query=query, filters=filters, user_id=user_id, page=page, gauntlet=gauntlet, exclude=excluding(Exception), client=client, ) for page in pages ] levels, creators, songs = [], [], [] for (level_part, creator_part, song_part) in await asyncio.gather(*to_run): levels.extend(level_part) creators.extend(creator_part) songs.extend(song_part) return levels, creators, songs async def report_level(self, level_id: int) -> None: payload = Params().create_new("web").put_definer("levelid", level_id).finish() codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to report a level by ID: {level_id!r}.")} await self.http.request(Route.REPORT_LEVEL, payload, error_codes=codes) async def delete_level(self, level_id: int, *, client: Client) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .finish_level() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.DELETE_LEVEL, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to delete a level by ID: {level_id}.") async def update_level_desc(self, level_id: int, content: str, *, client: Client) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_level_desc(content) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.UPDATE_LEVEL_DESC, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to update description of the level by ID: {level_id}.") async def rate_level(self, level_id: int, rating: int, *, client: Client) -> None: assert 0 < rating <= 10, "Invalid star value given." rs, udid, uuid = Coder.gen_rs(), Params.gen_udid(), Params.gen_uuid() values = [level_id, rating, rs, client.account_id, udid, uuid] chk = Coder.gen_chk(type="like_rate", values=values) payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_udid(udid) .put_uuid(uuid) .put_definer("stars", rating) .put_rs(rs) .put_chk(chk) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.RATE_LEVEL_STARS, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to rate level by ID: {level_id}.") async def rate_demon( self, level_id: int, demon_rating: DemonDifficulty, mod: bool, *, client: Client ) -> bool: rating_level = demon_rating.value payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_definer("rating", rating_level) .put_mode(int(mod)) .finish_mod() ) codes = {-2: MissingAccess("Attempt to rate as mod without mod permissions.")} resp = await self.http.request(Route.RATE_LEVEL_DEMON, payload, error_codes=codes) if not resp: return False elif isinstance(resp, int) and resp > 0: return True async def send_level( self, level_id: int, rating: int, featured: bool, *, client: Client ) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_definer("stars", rating) .put_feature(int(featured)) .finish_mod() ) codes = { -2: MissingAccess(f"Missing moderator permissions to send a level by ID: {level_id!r}.") } resp = await self.http.request(Route.SUGGEST_LEVEL_STARS, payload, error_codes=codes) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to send a level by ID: {level_id!r}.") async def like( self, item_id: int, typeid: int, special: int, dislike: bool = False, *, client: Client ) -> None: like = dislike ^ 1 rs, udid, uuid = Coder.gen_rs(), Params.gen_udid(), Params.gen_uuid() values = [special, item_id, like, typeid, rs, client.account_id, udid, uuid] chk = Coder.gen_chk(type="like_rate", values=values) payload = ( Params() .create_new(game_version=20) .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_udid(udid) .put_uuid(uuid) .put_definer("itemid", item_id) .put_like(like) .put_type(typeid) .put_special(special) .put_rs(rs) .put_chk(chk) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.LIKE_ITEM, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to like an item by ID: {item_id}.") async def get_page_messages( self, sent_or_inbox: str, page: int, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), client: Client, ) -> List[ExtDict]: assert sent_or_inbox in ("inbox", "sent") inbox = 0 if sent_or_inbox != "sent" else 1 payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_page(page) .put_total(0) .get_sent(inbox) .finish() ) codes = {-1: MissingAccess("Failed to get messages."), -2: NothingFound("gd.Message")} resp = await self.http.request( Route.GET_PRIVATE_MESSAGES, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude ) resp = Parser().split("#").take(0).check_empty().split("|").parse(resp) if resp is None: return [] parser = Parser().with_split(":").should_map() return list(map(parser.parse, resp)) async def get_messages( self, sent_or_inbox: str, pages: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, *, client: Client ) -> List[ExtDict]: assert sent_or_inbox in ("inbox", "sent") to_run = [ self.get_page_messages( sent_or_inbox=sent_or_inbox, page=page, exclude=excluding(Exception), client=client ) for page in pages ] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def post_comment(self, content: str, *, client: Client) -> None: to_gen = [, 0, 0, 1] payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_username( .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_comment(content, to_gen) .comment_for("profile") .finish() ) codes = {-1: MissingAccess("Failed to post a comment.")} await self.http.request(Route.UPLOAD_ACC_COMMENT, payload, error_codes=codes) async def comment_level( self, level_id: int, content: str, percentage: int, *, client: Client ) -> None: if percentage > 100: raise ValueError(f"{percentage}% > 100% percentage arg was received.") percentage = round(percentage) # just in case to_gen = [, level_id, percentage, 0] payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_username( .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_comment(content, to_gen) .comment_for("level", level_id) .put_percent(percentage) .finish() ) codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to post a comment on a level by ID: {level_id!r}.")} await self.http.request(Route.UPLOAD_COMMENT, payload, error_codes=codes) async def delete_comment( self, typeof: CommentType, comment_id: int, level_id: int, *, client: Client ) -> None: cases = {0: Route.DELETE_LEVEL_COMMENT, 1: Route.DELETE_ACC_COMMENT} route = cases.get(typeof.value) payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("commentid", comment_id) .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .comment_for(, level_id) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(route, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to delete a comment by ID: {comment_id!r}.") async def send_friend_request( self, target_id: int, message: str = "", *, client: Client ) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_recipient(target_id) .put_fr_comment(message) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.SEND_REQUEST, payload) if not resp: # if request is already sent return elif resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to send a friend request to user by ID: {target_id!r}.") async def delete_friend_request( self, typeof: MessageOrRequestType, user_id: int, client: Client ) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_definer("user", user_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_is_sender( .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.DELETE_REQUEST, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess( f"Failed to delete a friend request by User (with ID): {user_id!r}." ) async def accept_friend_request( self, typeof: MessageOrRequestType, request_id: int, user_id: int, client: Client ) -> None: if typeof.value: # is gd.MessageOrRequestType.SENT raise MissingAccess( "Failed to accept a friend request. Reason: request is sent, not received one." ) payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("user", user_id) .put_definer("requestid", request_id) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.ACCEPT_REQUEST, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to accept a friend request by ID: {request_id!r}.") async def read_friend_request(self, request_id: int, client: Client) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("requestid", request_id) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.READ_REQUEST, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to read a friend request by ID: {request_id!r}.") async def read_message( self, typeof: MessageOrRequestType, message_id: int, client: Client ) -> str: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_definer("messageid", message_id) .put_is_sender( .put_password(client.encodedpass) .finish() ) codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to read a message by ID: {message_id!r}.")} resp = await self.http.request(Route.READ_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, payload, error_codes=codes,) mapped = Parser().with_split(":").should_map().parse(resp) return Coder.decode(type="message", string=mapped.get(Index.MESSAGE_BODY, "")) async def delete_message( self, typeof: MessageOrRequestType, message_id: int, client: Client ) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_definer("messageid", message_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_is_sender( .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.DELETE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to delete a message by ID: {message_id!r}.") async def get_gauntlets(self) -> List[ExtDict]: payload = Params().create_new().finish() resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_GAUNTLETS, payload) splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").parse(resp) parser = Parser().with_split(":").should_map() return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, splitted))) async def get_page_map_packs( self, page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), ) -> List[ExtDict]: payload = Params().create_new().put_page(page).finish() resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_MAP_PACKS, payload) splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").check_empty().should_map().parse(resp) if not splitted: if issubclass(NothingFound, exclude): return [] raise NothingFound("gd.MapPack") parser = Parser().with_split(":").should_map() return list(map(parser.parse, splitted)) async def get_map_packs(self, pages: Sequence[int]) -> List[ExtDict]: to_run = [ self.get_page_map_packs(page=page, exclude=excluding(Exception)) for page in pages ] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def get_page_friend_requests( self, sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox", page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), client: Client, ) -> List[ExtDict]: inbox = int(sent_or_inbox == "sent") payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", str(client.account_id)) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_page(page) .put_total(0) .get_sent(inbox) .finish() ) codes = { -1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get friend requests on page {page}."), -2: NothingFound("gd.FriendRequest"), } resp = await self.http.request( Route.GET_FRIEND_REQUESTS, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude ) splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").check_empty().parse(resp) if resp is None: return [] parser = Parser().split(":").add_ext({"101": inbox}).should_map() return list(map(parser.parse, splitted)) async def get_friend_requests( self, pages: Sequence[int], sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox", *, client: Client ) -> List[ExtDict]: assert sent_or_inbox in ("sent", "inbox") to_run = [ self.get_page_friend_requests( sent_or_inbox=sent_or_inbox, page=page, exclude=excluding(Exception), client=client ) for page in pages ] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def retrieve_page_comments( self, account_id: int, id: int, type: str = "profile", page: int = 0, *, strategy: CommentStrategy, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), ) -> List[ExtDict]: assert isinstance(page, int) and page >= 0 assert type in ("profile", "level") is_level = type == "level" typeid = is_level ^ 1 definer = "userid" if is_level else "accountid" selfid = id if is_level else account_id route = Route.GET_COMMENT_HISTORY if is_level else Route.GET_ACC_COMMENTS parser = Parser().add_ext({"101": typeid}).should_map() if is_level: parser.split(":").take(0).split("~") else: parser.with_split("~") param_obj = Params().create_new().put_definer(definer, selfid).put_page(page).put_total(0) if is_level: param_obj.put_mode(strategy.value) payload = param_obj.finish() codes = { -1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to retrieve comment for user by Account ID: {account_id!r}.") } resp = await self.http.request(route, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude) if not resp: return [] splitted = resp.split("#").pop(0) if not splitted: if issubclass(NothingFound, exclude): return [] raise NothingFound("gd.Comment") return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, splitted.split("|")))) async def retrieve_comments( self, account_id: int, id: int, pages: Sequence[int], type: str = "profile", *, strategy: CommentStrategy, ) -> List[ExtDict]: assert type in ("profile", "level") to_run = [ self.retrieve_page_comments( type=type, account_id=account_id, id=id, page=page, exclude=excluding(Exception), strategy=strategy, ) for page in pages ] return await self.run_many(to_run) async def get_level_comments( self, level_id: int, strategy: CommentStrategy, amount: int, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), ) -> List[Tuple[ExtDict, ExtDict]]: # comment, user payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("levelid", level_id) .put_page(0) .put_total(0) .put_mode(strategy.value) .put_count(amount) .finish() ) codes = { -1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get comments of a level by ID: {level_id!r}."), -2: NothingFound("gd.Comment"), } resp = await self.http.request( Route.GET_COMMENTS, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude ) if resp is None: return [] splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").parse(resp) parser = Parser().with_split("~").should_map() res = [] for elem in filter(is_not_empty, splitted): com_data, user_data, *_ = map(parser.parse, elem.split(":")) com_data.update({"1": level_id, "101": 0, "102": 0}) user_data = ExtDict( account_id=user_data.getcast(Index.USER_ACCOUNT_ID, 0, int), id=com_data.getcast(Index.COMMENT_AUTHOR_ID, 0, int), name=user_data.get(Index.USER_NAME, "unknown"), ) res.append((com_data, user_data)) return res async def block_user(self, account_id: int, unblock: bool = False, *, client: Client) -> None: route = Route.UNBLOCK_USER if unblock else Route.BLOCK_USER payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("user", account_id) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(route, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess( f"Failed to {'un' if unblock else ''}block a user by Account ID: {account_id!r}." ) async def unfriend_user(self, account_id: int, *, client: Client) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_definer("user", account_id) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.REMOVE_FRIEND, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to unfriend a user by Account ID: {account_id!r}.") async def send_message( self, account_id: int, subject: str, body: str, *, client: Client ) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_message(subject, body) .put_recipient(account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess( f"Failed to send a message to a user by Account ID: {account_id!r}." ) async def update_profile(self, settings: Dict[str, int], *, client: Client) -> None: settings_cased = {Converter.snake_to_camel(name): value for name, value in settings.items()} rs = Coder.gen_rs() req_chk_params = [client.account_id] req_chk_params.extend( settings.get(param, 0) for param in ( "user_coins", "demons", "stars", "coins", "icon_type", "icon", "diamonds", "acc_icon", "acc_ship", "acc_ball", "acc_bird", "acc_dart", "acc_robot", "acc_glow", "acc_spider", "acc_explosion", ) ) chk = Coder.gen_chk(type="userscore", values=req_chk_params) payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_username( .put_seed(rs) .put_seed(chk, suffix=str(2)) .finish() ) payload.update(settings_cased) resp = await self.http.request(Route.UPDATE_USER_SCORE, payload) if not resp > 0: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to update profile of a client: {client!r}") async def update_settings( self, message_policy: MessagePolicyType, friend_request_policy: FriendRequestPolicyType, comment_policy: CommentPolicyType, youtube: str, twitter: str, twitch: str, *, client: Client, ) -> None: payload = ( Params() .create_new("web") .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_profile_upd( message_policy.value, friend_request_policy.value, comment_policy.value, youtube, twitter, twitch, ) .finish_login() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.UPDATE_ACC_SETTINGS, payload) if resp != 1: raise MissingAccess(f"Failed to update profile settings of a client: {client!r}.") async def get_quests(self, *, client: Client) -> List[ExtDict]: udid, uuid = Params.gen_udid(), Params.gen_uuid() rn = Coder.gen_rs(5, charset=string.digits) chk = Coder.gen_chk(type="challenges", values=[rn]) codes = {-1: MissingAccess("Failed to get quests.")} payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_udid(udid) .put_uuid(uuid) .put_chk(chk[:REWARD_CHALLENGE_CHK_LENGTH]) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_CHALLENGES, payload, error_codes=codes) resp = Parser().split("|").take(0).check_empty().parse(resp) if resp is None: return [] data = Coder.decode( type="challenges", string=resp[REWARD_CHALLENGE_SLICE_LENGTH:], use_bytes=True ) time_left, *quests = data.split(":")[-QUEST_AMOUNT - 1 :] time_left = int(time_left) result = [] for quest in quests: try: id, type, amount, reward, name, *_ = quest.split(",") except ValueError: continue result.append( ExtDict( id=int(id), type=QuestType.from_value(int(type), "unknown"), amount=int(amount), reward=int(reward), name=name, seconds=time_left, ) ) return result async def get_chests(self, reward_type: RewardType, *, client: Client) -> List[ExtDict]: udid, uuid = Params.gen_udid(), Params.gen_uuid() rn = Coder.gen_rs(5, charset=string.digits) chk = Coder.gen_chk(type="rewards", values=[rn]) codes = {-1: MissingAccess("Failed to get chests.")} payload = ( Params() .create_new() .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id) .put_password(client.encodedpass) .put_udid(udid) .put_uuid(uuid) .put_definer("reward", reward_type.value) .put_chk(chk[:REWARD_CHALLENGE_CHK_LENGTH]) .put_seed(0, prefix="r", suffix=1) .put_seed(0, prefix="r", suffix=2) .finish() ) resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_REWARDS, payload, error_codes=codes) resp = Parser().split("|").take(0).check_empty().parse(resp) if resp is None: return [] data = Coder.decode( type="rewards", string=resp[REWARD_CHALLENGE_SLICE_LENGTH:], use_bytes=True ) chest_parts = data.split(":")[-CHEST_AMOUNT * CHEST_INNER_PARTS - 1 : -1] result = [] for chest_id, (time_left, chest_info, chest_count) in enumerate( group(chest_parts, CHEST_INNER_PARTS), 1 ): try: orbs, diamonds, shard_id, keys, *_ = chest_info.split(",") except ValueError: continue result.append( ExtDict( id=chest_id, seconds=int(time_left), count=int(chest_count), orbs=int(orbs), diamonds=int(diamonds), shard_id=int(shard_id), shard_type=ShardType.from_value(int(shard_id), "unknown"), keys=int(keys), ) ) return result async def run_many(self, tasks: List[asyncio.Task]) -> Any: res = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) res = [elem for elem in res if elem] if all(iterable(elem) for elem in res): res = list(chain.from_iterable(res)) return res
def excluding(*args: Tuple[Type[BaseException]]) -> Tuple[Type[BaseException]]: return args def group(some_iterable: Iterable[Any], group_size: int = 2) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any]]: return zip(*(iter(some_iterable),) * group_size) def iterable(maybe_iterable: Iterable) -> bool: try: iter(maybe_iterable) return True except Exception: return False def is_not_empty(sequence: Sequence) -> bool: return len(sequence) != 0