Source code for gd.errors

from gd.typing import Optional

[docs]class GDException(Exception): """Base exception class for This could be caught to handle any exceptions thrown from this library. """ pass
[docs]class ClientException(GDException): """Base exception class for errors that are thrown when operation in :class:`Client` fails. """ pass
class ParserError(GDException): """Exception that is raised if conversion in :class:`.XMLParser` fails.""" pass
[docs]class EditorError(GDException): """Exception that is raised when converting string to :class:`.api.Object` or :class:`.api.Editor` failed. """ pass
[docs]class HTTPError(ClientException): """Exception that is raised when exception in :class:`.utils.http.HTTPClient` occurs. """ def __init__(self, exc: Exception) -> None: message = ( "Failed to process HTTP request. " "Caused by: Error<{0.__class__.__name__}>({0})".format(exc) ) self._origin = exc super().__init__(message) @property def origin(self) -> Exception: """:class:`Exception`: The original exception that was raised.""" return self._origin
[docs]class MissingAccess(ClientException): """Exception that is raised when server responses with -1.""" def __init__(self, message: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if message is not None: super().__init__(message) else: super().__init__()
[docs]class SongRestrictedForUsage(ClientException): """Exception that is raised when server returns -2 when looking for a song. """ def __init__(self, id: int) -> None: message = f"Song with id {id!r} is not allowed to use." super().__init__(message)
[docs]class LoginFailure(ClientException): """Exception that is raised when server returns -1 when trying to log in. """ def __init__(self, login: str, password: str) -> None: self._login = login self._password = password message = "Failed to login with parameters: " f"login: {login!r}, password: {password!r}." super().__init__(message) @property def login(self) -> str: """Username that was wrong or password did not match.""" return self._login @property def password(self) -> str: """Password that login was failed with.""" return self._password
[docs]class NothingFound(ClientException): """Exception that is raised when server returns nothing that can be converted to object of name *cls_name*. """ def __init__(self, cls_name: str) -> None: self._cls_name = cls_name message = f"No <{cls_name}> instances were found." super().__init__(message) @property def cls_name(self) -> str: """Name of the class instances of which were not found.""" return self._cls_name
[docs]class NotLoggedError(ClientException): """Exception that is raised when a function that requires logged in user is called while :class:`Client` is not logged. """ def __init__(self, func_name: Optional[str]) -> None: if func_name: message = f"{func_name!r} requires client to be logged." else: message = "Login is required but is missing." super().__init__(message)