Source code for gd.client

import asyncio

from gd.abstractuser import AbstractUser, LevelRecord
from gd.comment import Comment
from gd.errors import ClientException, NothingFound
from gd.friend_request import FriendRequest
from gd.level import Level
from gd.level_packs import Gauntlet, MapPack
from gd.logging import get_logger
from gd.message import Message
from gd.rewards import Chest, Quest
from gd.session import Session
from import ArtistInfo, Author, Song
from gd.typing import (
from gd.user import User, UserStats

from import (

from gd.utils.converter import Converter
from gd.utils.decorators import check_logged, impl_sync
from gd.utils.enums import (
from gd.utils.filters import Filters
from gd.utils.http_request import HTTPClient
from gd.utils.indexer import Index
from gd.utils.parser import ExtDict
from gd.utils.text_tools import make_repr

from gd.utils.crypto.coders import Coder

from gd import api, utils

log = get_logger(__name__)

def excluding(*args: Tuple[Type[BaseException]]) -> Tuple[Type[BaseException]]:
    return args

DEFAULT_EXCLUDE: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = excluding(NothingFound)
DAILY, WEEKLY = -1, -2

def figure_type_and_special(item: Union[Comment, Level]) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
    # figure out typeid and "special" value for given item.
    # returns a pair: (typeid, special)
    if isinstance(item, Level):
        return 1, 0

    elif isinstance(item, Comment):
        if not item.type.value:
            return 2, item.level_id
            return 3,

        return  # if we are here, that means invalid entity was provided.

def construct_levels(
    lvdata: Iterable[ExtDict], cdata: Iterable[ExtDict], sdata: Iterable[ExtDict], client: Client
) -> List[Level]:
    # construct levels from level data, creator data and song data
    creators = list(AbstractUser(**c, client=client) for c in cdata)
    songs = list(Song.from_data(s, client=client) for s in sdata)
    levels = []

    for data in lvdata:
        song = utils.get(songs, id=data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_SONG_ID, 0, int))
        if song is None:
            song = Song(
                **Converter.to_normal_song(data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_AUDIO_TRACK, 0, int)),

        creator_id = data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_CREATOR_ID, 0, int)
        creator = utils.get(creators, id=creator_id)
        if creator is None:
            creator = AbstractUser(id=creator_id, name="unknown", account_id=0, client=client)

        levels.append(Level.from_data(data, creator, song, client=client))

    return levels

async def is_alive_mock(level: Level) -> bool:
    # mock Level's is_alive method if the level was deleted.
    return False

[docs]@impl_sync class Client: r"""A main class in the library, used for interacting with the servers of Geometry Dash. Parameters ---------- loop: Optional[:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop`] The :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` to use for asynchronous operations. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the default event loop is used via :func:`.utils.acquire_loop`. load_after_post: :class:`bool` Whether to load comments/messages/requests after sending them. .. note:: Defaults to ``True``, in which case the following method calls will return objects: - :meth:`.Client.send_message`; - :meth:`.Client.send_friend_request`; - :meth:`.Client.comment_level`; - :meth:`.Client.post_comment`. Otherwise, if ``False`` or not found (extremely rarely), these methods will return ``None``. \*\*http_args Arguments to pass to :class:`.HTTPClient` constructor. Attributes ---------- account_id: :class:`int` Account ID of the client. If not logged in, defaults to ``0``. id: :class:`int` ID (Player ID) of the client. If not logged in, defaults to ``0``. name: :class:`str` Name of the client. If not logged in, default is ``None``. password: :class:`str` Password of the client. ``None`` if not logged in. encodedpass: :class:`str` Encoded Password of the client. ``None`` on init as well. db: Optional[:class:`.api.Database`] Database/Save API. If not loaded, has empty parts inside. """ def __init__( self, *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, load_after_post: bool = True, **http_args, ) -> None: if loop is None: loop = utils.acquire_loop() self.session = Session(**http_args) self.load_after_post = load_after_post self.listeners = list() self.loop = loop self._set_to_defaults() def __repr__(self) -> str: info = { "is_logged": self.is_logged(), "account_id": self.account_id, "id":, "name":, "password": "...", } return make_repr(self, info) def __json__(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[int, str]]]: # pragma: no cover return dict( account_id=self.account_id,,, password=None, # for safety reasons ) def _set_to_defaults(self) -> None: self.db = api.Database() self.account_id = 0 = 0 = None self.password = None self.encodedpass = None def _upd(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> None: # pragma: no cover setattr(self, attr, value) # update encodedpass if password was updated if attr == "password": self.encodedpass = Coder.encode(type="accountpass", string=self.password)
[docs] def edit(self, **attrs) -> Client: """Update attributes given by ``attrs`` of ``self``. This could be used to manually set credentials, for example: .. code-block:: python3 client = gd.Client() client.edit(name='nekitdev', id=17876467, account_id=5509312, password='secret') """ for attr, value in attrs.items(): self._upd(attr, value) return self
@property def http(self) -> HTTPClient: """:class:`.HTTPClient`: HTTP Client bound to that Client. Same as ``self.session.http``.""" return self.session.http
[docs] def is_logged(self) -> bool: """:class:`bool`: Indicates whether the Client is logged in.""" checks = ( is not None, self.password is not None, self.account_id > 0, > 0, ) return all(checks)
[docs] async def ping_server(self) -> float: """|coro| Pings ```` and returns the time taken. Returns ------- :class:`float` Server ping, in milliseconds. """ return await self.session.ping_server("")
[docs] async def get_artist_info(self, song_id: int = 0) -> ArtistInfo: """|coro| Retrieves artist info about for a song with a particular ID. Parameters ---------- song_id: :class:`int` An ID of the song whose info to fetch. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to fetch the song info. Returns ------- :class:`.ArtistInfo` Info regarding the artist. """ data = await self.session.test_song(song_id) return ArtistInfo(**data, client=self)
[docs] async def get_song(self, song_id: int = 0) -> Song: """|coro| Fetches a song from Geometry Dash server. Parameters ---------- song_id: :class:`int` An ID of the song to fetch. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Song under given ID was not found or does not exist. :exc:`.SongRestrictedForUsage` Song was not allowed to use. Returns ------- :class:`.Song` The song from the ID. """ data = await self.session.get_song(song_id) return Song.from_data(data, client=self)
[docs] async def get_ng_song(self, song_id: int = 0) -> Song: """|coro| Fetches a song from Newgrounds. This function is in most cases might be slower than :meth:`.Client.get_song`, but it does not raise errors if a song is banned on GD Server. Parameters ---------- song_id: :class:`int` An ID of the song to fetch. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Requested song is deleted from Newgrounds or does not exist. Returns ------- :class:`.Song` The song found under given ID. """ data = await self.session.get_ng_song(song_id) return Song(**data, client=self)
[docs] async def search_page_songs(self, query: str, page: int = 0) -> List[Song]: """|coro| Search for songs on Newgrounds. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` Query to search for. page: :class:`int` Page to look songs on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Song`] A list of Songs, containing attributes ``id``, ``name`` and ``author``. """ data = await self.session.search_page_songs(query=query, page=page) return utils.unique(Song(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def search_songs(self, query: str, pages: Iterable[int] = range(10)) -> List[Song]: """|coro| Search for songs on Newgrounds. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` Query to search for. pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look songs on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Song`] A list of Songs, containing attributes ``id``, ``name`` and ``author``. """ data = await self.session.search_songs(query=query, pages=pages) return utils.unique(Song(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def search_page_users(self, query: str, page: int = 0) -> List[Author]: """|coro| Search for users on Newgrounds. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` Query to search for. page: :class:`int` Page to look users on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Author`] A list of Authors, containing attributes ``name`` and ``link``. """ data = await self.session.search_page_users(query=query, page=page) return utils.unique(Author(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def search_users(self, query: str, pages: Iterable[int] = range(10)) -> List[Author]: """|coro| Search for users on Newgrounds. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` Query to search for. pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look users on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Author`] A list of Authors, containing attributes ``name`` and ``link``. """ data = await self.session.search_users(query=query, pages=pages) return utils.unique(Author(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_page_user_songs(self, user: Union[str, Author], page: int = 0) -> List[Song]: """|coro| Search for songs by a user on Newgrounds. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` Query to search for. page: :class:`int` Page to look songs on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Song`] A list of Songs, containing attributes ``id``, ``name`` and ``author``. """ data = await self.session.get_page_user_songs(user, page=page) return utils.unique(Song(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_user_songs( self, user: Union[str, Author], pages: Iterable[int] = range(10) ) -> List[Song]: """|coro| Search for songs by a user on Newgrounds. Parameters ---------- query: :class:`str` Query to search for. pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Page to look songs on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Song`] A list of Songs, containing attributes ``id``, ``name`` and ``author``. """ name = if isinstance(user, Author) else user data = await self.session.get_user_songs(name, pages=pages) return list(Song(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_user(self, account_id: int = 0) -> User: """|coro| Gets a user from Geometry Dash server. Parameters ---------- account_id: :class:`int` An account ID of the user to fetch. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` User with given account ID was not found. Returns ------- :class:`.User` The user from the ID. """ data = await self.session.get_user(account_id, return_only_stats=False) return User.from_data(data, client=self)
[docs] async def fetch_user( self, account_id: int = 0, *, stats: bool = False ) -> Union[AbstractUser, UserStats]: """|coro| This is almost like :meth:`.Client.get_user`, except that it returns either :class:`.UserStats` or :class:`.AbstractUser` object. Parameters ---------- account_id: :class:`int` An account ID of the user to fetch stats of. stats: :class:`bool` Whether to return :class:`.UserStats` or :class:`.AbstractUser`. By default returns :class:`.AbstractUser`. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` User with given account ID was not found, so fetching stats failed or user can not be returned. Returns ------- Union[:class:`.UserStats`, :class:`.AbstractUser`] Abstract user or User stats from the ID. (if ID != -1) """ data = await self.session.get_user(account_id, return_only_stats=True) user_stats = UserStats.from_data(data, client=self) # return UserStats if needed, and AbstractUser otherwise. return user_stats if stats else user_stats.as_user()
[docs] async def search_user(self, query: Union[int, str]) -> User: """|coro| Searches for a user on Geometry Dash servers. Parameters ---------- query: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`] A query to search for user with. Either Player ID or Name. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Nothing was found. Returns ------- Union[:class:`.User`] A User found when searching with the query. """ data = await self.session.search_user(query, return_abstract=False) return User.from_data(data, client=self)
[docs] async def find_user(self, query: Union[int, str]) -> AbstractUser: """|coro| Fetches a user on Geometry Dash servers by given query. Works almost like :meth:`.Client.search_user`, except the fact that it returns :class:`.AbstractUser`. Parameters ---------- query: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`] A query to search for user with. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` No user was found. Returns ------- Union[:class:`.AbstractUser`] An AbstractUser corresponding to the query. """ data = await self.session.search_user(query, return_abstract=True) return AbstractUser.from_data(data, client=self)
[docs] async def get_daily(self) -> Level: """|coro| Gets current daily level. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Nothing found or invalid response was received. Returns ------- :class:`.Level` Current daily level. """ return await self.get_level(DAILY)
[docs] async def get_weekly(self) -> Level: """|coro| Gets current weekly demon. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Nothing found or invalid response was received. Returns ------- :class:`.Level` Current weekly demon. """ return await self.get_level(WEEKLY)
[docs] async def get_level(self, level_id: int = 0, get_data: bool = True) -> Level: """|coro| Fetches a level from Geometry Dash servers. Parameters ---------- level_id: :class:`int` An ID of the level to fetch. .. note:: If the given ID is *n*, and *0 > n >= -2*, this function will search for daily/weekly levels, however, it is not recommended to use since it can cause confusion. Use :meth:`.Client.get_daily` and :meth:`.Client.get_weekly` for better understanding. get_data: :class:`bool` Whether to download the level data or not. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Level with given ID was not found. Returns ------- :class:`.Level` The level corresponding to given id. """ if get_data: level_data, creator_data, song_data = await self.session.get_level_info(level_id) else: return (await self.search_levels_on_page(query=level_id))[0] return Level.from_data(level_data, creator_data, song_data, client=self)
[docs] async def get_many_levels(self, *level_ids: Sequence[int]) -> List[Level]: r"""|coro| Fetches many levels. Parameters ---------- \*level_ids: Sequence[:class:`int`] IDs of levels to fetch. This function returns all the levels that it is able to find. Example: .. code-block:: python3 await client.get_many_levels(30029017, 44622744) Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Levels were not found. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Level`] A list of all levels found. """ filters = Filters.setup_search_many() query = ",".join(map(str, level_ids)) return await self.search_levels_on_page(query=query, filters=filters)
[docs] async def get_gauntlets(self) -> List[Gauntlet]: """|coro| Fetches *The Lost Gauntlets*. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Gauntlet`] All gauntlets retrieved, as list. """ data = await self.session.get_gauntlets() return list(Gauntlet.from_data(part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_page_map_packs( self, page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE ) -> List[MapPack]: """|coro| Fetches map packs on given page. Parameters ---------- page: :class:`int` Page to look for map packs on. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.MapPack`] List of map packs retrieved. Raises ------ :exc:`.NothingFound` No map packs were found at the given page. """ data = await self.session.get_page_map_packs(page=page, exclude=exclude) return list(MapPack.from_data(part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_map_packs(self, pages: Optional[Iterable[int]] = range(10)) -> List[MapPack]: """|coro| Gets map packs on given ``pages``. Parameters ---------- pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to search map packs on. Returns ------- List[:class:`.MapPack`] List of map packs found. """ data = await self.session.get_map_packs(pages=pages) return list(MapPack.from_data(part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def unsafe_login(self, user: str, password: str) -> None: """|coro| Login into account, without validating credentials. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`str` A username of the account to log into. password: :class:`str` A password of the account to log into. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Could not find account by given ``user``. """ self_user = await self.find_user(user) self.edit(name=user, password=password, account_id=self_user.account_id,"Logged in? as %r, with password %r.", user, password)
[docs] async def login(self, user: str, password: str) -> None: """|coro| Tries to login with given parameters. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`str` A username of the account to log into. password: :class:`str` A password of the account to log into. Raises ------ :exc:`.LoginFailure` Given account credentials are not correct. """ account_id, player_id = await self.session.login(user=user, password=password) self.edit(name=user, password=password, account_id=account_id, id=player_id)"Logged in as %r, with password %r.", user, password)
[docs] @check_logged async def upload_level( self, name: str = "Unnamed", id: int = 0, version: int = 1, length: Union[int, str, LevelLength] = 0, track: int = 0, song_id: int = 0, is_auto: bool = False, original: int = 0, two_player: bool = False, objects: Optional[int] = None, coins: int = 0, star_amount: int = 0, unlisted: bool = False, friends_only: bool = False, ldm: bool = False, password: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, copyable: bool = False, data: Union[bytes, str] = "", description: str = "", *, load: bool = True, ) -> Level: """|coro| Upload a level. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` A name of the level. id: :class:`int` An ID of the level. ``0`` if uploading a new level, non-zero when attempting to update already existing level. version: :class:`int` A version of the level. length: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.LevelLength`] A length of the level. See :class:`.LevelLength` for more info. track: :class:`int` A normal track to set, e.g. ``0 - Stereo Madness, 1 - Back on Track, ...``. song_id: :class:`int` An ID of the custom song to set. is_auto: :class:`bool` Indicates if the level is auto. original: :class:`int` An ID of the original level. two_player: :class:`bool` Indicates whether the level has enabled Two Player mode. objects: :class:`int` The amount of objects in the level. If not provided, the amount is being calculated from the ``data`` parameter. coins: :class:`int` An amount of coins the level has. star_amount: :class:`int` The amount of stars to request. unlisted: :class:`bool` Indicates whether the level should be unlisted. friends_only: :class:`bool` Whether the level should be seen by friends only. ldm: :class:`bool` Indicates if the level has LDM mode. password: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`] The password to apply. Either a natural number or a string representing a natural number. If ``None``, depending on what ``copyable`` is, either indicates whether a level is free to copy or not copyable at all. copyable: :class:`bool` Indicates whether the level should be copyable. data: Union[:class:`bytes`, :class:`str`] The data of the level, as a stream. description: :class:`str` The description of the level. load: :class:`bool` Indicates whether the newly uploaded level should be loaded and returned. If false, the ``gd.Level(id=id, client=self)`` is returned. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to upload a level. Returns ------- :class:`.Level` Newly uploaded level. """ if objects is None: objects = len(utils.object_split(data)) length = LevelLength.from_value(length) level_id = await self.session.upload_level( data=data, name=name, level_id=id, version=version, length=length, audio_track=track, song_id=song_id, is_auto=is_auto, original=original, two_player=two_player, objects=objects, coins=coins, stars=star_amount, unlisted=unlisted, friends_only=friends_only, ldm=ldm, password=password, copyable=copyable, desc=description, client=self, ) if load: return await self.get_level(level_id) else: return Level(id=level_id, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_page_levels( self, page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE ) -> List[Level]: """|coro| Gets levels of a client from a server. .. note:: This method requires client to be logged in. Parameters ---------- page: :class:`int` Page to look levels at. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Level`] All levels found, as list. Might be an empty list. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` No levels were found. """ filters = Filters.setup_by_user() return await self.search_levels_on_page(filters=filters, exclude=exclude)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_levels(self, pages: Optional[Iterable[int]] = range(10)) -> List[Level]: """|coro| Searches for levels on given pages. .. note:: This method requires authorised client. Parameters ---------- pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look for levels at. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Level`] All levels found, as list, which might be empty. """ filters = Filters.setup_by_user() return await self.search_levels(pages=pages, filters=filters)
[docs] @check_logged async def load(self) -> None: """|coro| Loads save from a server and parses it. Sets :attr:`` to :class:`.Save` namedtuple ``(completed, followed)``. """ db = await self.session.load_save(client=self) if db is None: # pragma: no cover log.warning("Failed to load a save.") else: self.edit(db=db)"Successfully loaded a save.")
[docs] @check_logged async def backup(self, save_data: Optional[Sequence[Union[bytes, str]]] = None) -> None: """|coro| Back up (save) the data of the client. Parameters ---------- save_data: Union[:class:`bytes`, :class:`str`] Save data to backup. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to do a backup. """ if save_data is None and self.db is None: return log.warning("No data was provided.") if not save_data: data = await, connect=False, xor=False) else: data = save_data await self.session.do_save(client=self, data=data)
save = backup
[docs] def close(self, message: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """*Closes* client. Basically sets its password and username to ``None``, which actually implies that client logs out. Parameters ---------- message: :class:`str` A message to print after closing. """ self._set_to_defaults()"Has logged out with message: %r", message)
[docs] def temp_login(self, user: str, password: str) -> Any: """Async context manager, used for temporarily logging in. Typical usage can be, as follows: .. code-block:: python3 async with client.temp_login('Name', 'Password'): await client.post_comment('Hey there from!') """ return LoginSession(self, user, password)
[docs] @check_logged async def like(self, entity: Union[Comment, Level]) -> None: """|coro| Like an entity (either a comment or a level). Parameters ---------- entity: Union[:class:`.Comment`, :class:`.Level`] An entity to like. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to like an entity. """ typeid, special = figure_type_and_special(entity) await, typeid, special, dislike=False, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def dislike(self, entity: Union[Comment, Level]) -> None: """|coro| Dislike an entity (either a comment or a level). Parameters ---------- entity: Union[:class:`.Comment`, :class:`.Level`] An entity to like. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to dislike an entity. """ typeid, special = figure_type_and_special(entity) await, typeid, special, dislike=True, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def delete_comment(self, comment: Comment) -> None: """|coro| Delete a comment. Parameters ---------- comment: :class:`.Comment` A comment to delete. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Server did not return 1, which means comment was not deleted. """ await self.session.delete_comment(comment.type,, comment.level_id, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def read_friend_request(self, request: FriendRequest) -> None: """|coro| Read a friend request. Parameters ---------- request: :class:`.FriendRequest` A friend request to read. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to read a request. """ await self.session.read_friend_request(, client=self) request.options.update(is_read=True)
[docs] @check_logged async def delete_friend_request(self, request: FriendRequest) -> None: """|coro| Delete a friend request. Parameters ---------- request: :class:`.FriendRequest` A friend request to delete. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to delete a friend request. """ await self.session.delete_friend_request( request.type,, client=self )
[docs] @check_logged async def accept_friend_request(self, request: FriendRequest) -> None: """|coro| Accept a friend request. Parameters ---------- request: :class:`.FriendRequest` A friend request to accept. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to accept a friend request. """ await self.session.accept_friend_request( request.type,,, client=self )
[docs] @check_logged async def read_message(self, message: Message) -> str: """|coro| Read a message. Parameters ---------- message: :class:`.Message` A message to read. Returns ------- :class:`str` The content of the message. """ body = await self.session.read_message(message.type,, client=self) message.body = body message.options.update(is_read=True) return body
[docs] @check_logged async def delete_message(self, message: Message) -> None: """|coro| Delete a message. Parameters ---------- message: :class:`.Message` A message to delete. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to delete a message. """ await self.session.delete_message(message.type,, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def send_message(self, user: AbstractUser, subject: str, body: str) -> Optional[Message]: """|coro| Send a message. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to send a message to. subject: :class:`str` Subject of a new message. body: :class:`str` Body of a new message. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to send a message. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`.Message`] Sent message. """ await self.session.send_message(user.account_id, subject=subject, body=body, client=self) if self.load_after_post: messages = await self.get_page_messages("sent") message = utils.get(messages, subject=subject, recipient=user) if message is None: return message.body = body return message
[docs] @check_logged async def block(self, user: AbstractUser) -> None: """|coro| Block a user. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to block. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to block a user. """ await self.session.block_user(user.account_id, unblock=False, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def unblock(self, user: AbstractUser) -> None: """|coro| Unblock a user. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to unblock. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to unblock a user. """ await self.session.block_user(user.account_id, unblock=True, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def unfriend(self, user: AbstractUser) -> None: """|coro| Unfriend a user. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to unfriend. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to unfriend a user. """ await self.session.unfriend_user(user.account_id, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def send_friend_request( self, user: AbstractUser, message: str = "" ) -> Optional[FriendRequest]: """|coro| Send a friend request. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to send a request to. message: :class:`str` Body of friend request message. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to send a friend request to user. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`.FriendRequest`] Sent friend request. """ await self.session.send_friend_request(user.account_id, message=message, client=self) if self.load_after_post: requests = await self.get_page_friend_requests("sent") return utils.get(requests, recipient=user)
[docs] async def retrieve_page_comments( self, user: AbstractUser, type: str = "profile", page: int = 0, strategy: Union[int, str, CommentStrategy] = 0, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, ) -> List[Comment]: """|coro| Retrieve comments of a user. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to retrieve comments of. type: :class:`str` Type of comments to look for. Either ``profile`` or ``level``. page: :class:`int` Page to look comments on. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. strategy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.CommentStrategy`] Strategy to use. ``recent`` or ``most_liked``. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Comment`] Retrieved comments. """ strategy = CommentStrategy.from_value(strategy) data = await self.session.retrieve_page_comments( user.account_id,, type=type, page=page, exclude=exclude, strategy=strategy, ) return list(Comment.from_data(part, user, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def retrieve_comments( self, user: AbstractUser, type: str = "profile", pages: Optional[Iterable[int]] = range(10), strategy: Union[int, str, CommentStrategy] = 0, ) -> List[Comment]: """|coro| Retrieve comments of a user. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`.AbstractUser` User to retrieve comments of. type: :class:`str` Type of comments to look for. Either ``profile`` or ``level``. pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look comments on. strategy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.CommentStrategy`] Strategy to use. ``recent`` or ``most_liked``. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Comment`] Retrieved comments. """ strategy = CommentStrategy.from_value(strategy) data = await self.session.retrieve_comments( user.account_id,, type=type, pages=pages, strategy=strategy ) return list(Comment.from_data(part, user, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def report_level(self, level: Level) -> None: """|coro| Report a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to report. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to report a level. """ await self.session.report_level(
[docs] @check_logged async def delete_level(self, level: Level) -> None: """|coro| Delete a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to delete. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to delete a level. """ await self.session.delete_level(, client=self) level.is_alive = is_alive_mock
[docs] @check_logged async def update_level_description(self, level: Level, content: str) -> None: """|coro| Update description a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to update description of. content: :class:`str` Content of a new description. """ await self.session.update_level_desc(, content, client=self) level.options.update(description=content)
[docs] @check_logged async def rate_level(self, level: Level, stars: int = 1) -> None: """|coro| Rate a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to rate. stars: :class:`int` Amount of stars to rate a level with. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to rate a level. """ await self.session.rate_level(, stars, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def rate_demon( self, level: Level, demon_difficulty: Union[int, str, DemonDifficulty] = 1, as_mod: bool = False, ) -> None: """|coro| Rate a level as demon. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to rate. demon_difficulty: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.DemonDifficulty`] Demon difficulty to rate a level with. as_mod: :class:`bool` Whether to attempt to rate a level as moderator. """ demon_difficulty = DemonDifficulty.from_value(demon_difficulty) success = await self.session.rate_demon(, demon_difficulty, mod=as_mod, client=self) if success:"Successfully demon-rated level: %s.", level) else: log.warning("Failed to rate demon difficulty for level: %s.", level)
[docs] @check_logged async def send_level(self, level: Level, stars: int = 1, featured: bool = True) -> None: """|coro| Send a level to RobTop. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to send. stars: :class:`int` Amount of stars to send a level with. featured: :class:`bool` Whether to send a level for feature. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Missing required moderator permissions. """ await self.session.send_level(, stars, featured=featured, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def comment_level( self, level: Level, content: str, percentage: int = 0 ) -> Optional[Comment]: """|coro| Comment a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to comment. content: :class:`str` Content of a comment to post. precentage: :class:`int` Percentage to put a comment with. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to post a level comment. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`.Comment`] Sent comment. """ await self.session.comment_level(, content, percentage, client=self) if self.load_after_post: comments = await level.get_comments() return utils.get(comments, author=self.as_user(), body=content)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_level_leaderboard( self, level: Level, strategy: Union[int, str, LevelLeaderboardStrategy] ) -> List[LevelRecord]: """|coro| Get leaderboard of a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to fetch a leaderboard of. strategy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.LevelLeaderboardStrategy`] Strategy to use when fetching a leaderboard. Returns ------- List[:class:`.LevelRecord`] Level records that were found. """ strategy = LevelLeaderboardStrategy.from_value(strategy) data = await self.session.get_leaderboard(, strategy=strategy, client=self) return list(LevelRecord.from_data(part, strategy=strategy, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_level_comments( self, level: Level, strategy: Union[int, str, CommentStrategy] = 0, amount: int = 20, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, ) -> List[Comment]: """|coro| Get comments of a level. Parameters ---------- level: :class:`.Level` A level to fetch comments of. strategy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.CommentStrategy`] Strategy to use when fetching a leaderboard. amount: :class:`int` Amount of comments to fetch. When lower than *0*, adds *2^31* to the amount. (meaning to fetch all the comments) exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Comment`] Comments that were found. """ if amount < 0: amount += 2 ** 31 # 2,147,483,648 is enough?! ~ nekit data = await self.session.get_level_comments(, strategy=CommentStrategy.from_value(strategy), amount=amount, exclude=exclude, ) return list(Comment.from_data(part, user_data, client=self) for (part, user_data) in data)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_blocked_users( self, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE ) -> List[AbstractUser]: """|coro| Get all users blocked by a client. Parameters ---------- exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.AbstractUser`] All blocked users retrieved, as list. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to fetch blocked users of a client. :exc:`.NothingFound` No blocked users were found. Cool. """ data = await self.session.get_user_list(type=1, exclude=exclude, client=self) return list(AbstractUser.from_data(part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_friends( self, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE ) -> List[AbstractUser]: """|coro| Get all friends of a client. Parameters ---------- exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.AbstractUser`] All friends retrieved, as list. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to fetch friends of a client. :exc:`.NothingFound` No friends were found. Sadly... """ data = await self.session.get_user_list(type=0, exclude=exclude, client=self) return list(AbstractUser.from_data(part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] @check_logged async def to_user(self) -> User: """|coro| Gets user with :attr:`.Client.account_id`, which means that client should be logged in. Returns ------- :class:`.User` User corresponding to :attr:`.Client.account_id`. """ return await self.get_user(self.account_id)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_page_messages( self, sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox", page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, ) -> List[Message]: """|coro| Gets messages on a specified page. Requires logged in client. Parameters ---------- sent_or_inbox: :class:`str` The type of messages to look for. Either *inbox* or *sent*. page: :class:`int` Number of page to look at. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Message`] List of messages found. Can be empty. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to get messages. :exc:`.NothingFound` No messages were found. """ data = await self.session.get_page_messages( sent_or_inbox=sent_or_inbox, page=page, exclude=exclude, client=self ) return list(Message.from_data(part, self.get_parse_dict(), client=self) for part in data)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_messages( self, sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox", pages: Optional[Iterable[int]] = range(10) ) -> List[Message]: """|coro| Retrieves messages from given ``pages``. Parameters ---------- sent_or_inbox: :class:`str` Type of messages to retrieve. Either `'sent'` or `'inbox'`. Defaults to the latter. pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look at, represented as a finite sequence, so iterations can be performed. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Message`] List of messages found. Can be an empty list. """ data = await self.session.get_messages( sent_or_inbox=sent_or_inbox, pages=pages, client=self ) return list(Message.from_data(part, self.get_parse_dict(), client=self) for part in data)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_page_friend_requests( self, sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox", page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, ) -> List[FriendRequest]: """|coro| Gets friend requests on a specified page. Requires logged in client. Parameters ---------- sent_or_inbox: :class:`str` The type of friend requests to look for. Either *inbox* or *sent*. page: :class:`int` Number of page to look at. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.FriendRequest`] List of friend requests found. Can be empty. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to get friend requests. :exc:`.NothingFound` No friend requests were found. """ data = await self.session.get_page_friend_requests( sent_or_inbox=sent_or_inbox, page=page, exclude=exclude, client=self ) return list( FriendRequest.from_data(part, self.get_parse_dict(), client=self) for part in data )
[docs] @check_logged async def get_friend_requests( self, sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox", pages: Optional[Iterable[int]] = range(10) ) -> List[FriendRequest]: """|coro| Retrieves friend requests from given ``pages``. Parameters ---------- sent_or_inbox: :class:`str` Type of friend requests to retrieve. Either `'sent'` or `'inbox'`. Defaults to the latter. pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look at, represented as a finite sequence, so iterations can be performed. Returns ------- List[:class:`.FriendRequests`] List of friend requests found. Can be an empty list. """ data = await self.session.get_friend_requests( sent_or_inbox=sent_or_inbox, pages=pages, client=self ) return list( FriendRequest.from_data(part, self.get_parse_dict(), client=self) for part in data )
@check_logged def get_parse_dict(self) -> ExtDict: return ExtDict({k: getattr(self, k) for k in ("name", "id", "account_id")}) @check_logged def as_user(self) -> AbstractUser: return AbstractUser(**self.get_parse_dict(), client=self)
[docs] async def get_top( self, strategy: Union[int, str, LeaderboardStrategy] = 0, *, count: int = 100 ) -> List[UserStats]: """|coro| Fetches user top by given strategy. Example: .. code-block:: python3 # getting top 10 creators top10_creators = await client.get_top('creators', count=10) .. note:: Players Top 100 has stopped refreshing in 2.1 version of Geometry Dash. However, you can fetch it by searching using ``'relative'`` strategy and giving huge ``count`` argument. Also, please note that searching with ``'friends'`` and ``'relative'`` strategies requires logged in client. Parameters ---------- strategy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.LeaderboardStrategy`] Strategy to apply when searching. Returns ------- List[:class:`.UserStats`] """ strategy = LeaderboardStrategy.from_value(strategy) data = await self.session.get_top(strategy=strategy, count=count, client=self) return list(UserStats.from_data(part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def get_leaderboard( self, strategy: Union[int, str, LeaderboardStrategy] = 0, *, count: int = 100 ) -> List[UserStats]: """|coro| This is an alias for :meth:`.Client.get_top`. """ return await self.get_top(strategy, count=count)
[docs] @check_logged async def post_comment(self, content: str) -> Optional[Comment]: """|coro| Post a profile comment. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The content of a comment. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to post a comment. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`.Comment`] Posted comment. """ await self.session.post_comment(content, client=self) log.debug("Posted a comment. Content: %r", content) if self.load_after_post: user = self.as_user() comments = await user.get_page_comments() return utils.get(comments, author=user, body=content)
[docs] @check_logged async def update_profile( self, stars: Optional[int] = None, demons: Optional[int] = None, diamonds: Optional[int] = None, has_glow: Optional[bool] = None, icon_type: Optional[Union[int, str, IconType]] = None, icon: Optional[int] = None, color_1: Optional[int] = None, color_2: Optional[int] = None, coins: Optional[int] = None, user_coins: Optional[int] = None, cube: Optional[int] = None, ship: Optional[int] = None, ball: Optional[int] = None, ufo: Optional[int] = None, wave: Optional[int] = None, robot: Optional[int] = None, spider: Optional[int] = None, explosion: Optional[int] = None, special: int = 0, set_as_user: Optional[User] = None, ) -> None: """|coro| Updates the profile of a client. .. note:: developers are not responsible for any effects that calling this function may cause. Use this method on your own risk. Parameters ---------- stars: :class:`int` An amount of stars to set. demons: :class:`int` An amount of completed demons to set. diamonds: :class:`int` An amount of diamonds to set. has_glow: :class:`bool` Indicates whether a user should have the glow outline. icon_type: :class:`int` Icon type that should be used. See :class:`.IconType` for info. icon: :class:`int` Icon ID that should be used. color_1: :class:`int` Index of a color to use as the main color. color_2: :class:`int` Index of a color to use as the secodary color. coins: :class:`int` An amount of secret coins to set. user_coins: :class:`int` An amount of user coins to set. cube: :class:`int` An index of a cube icon to apply. ship: :class:`int` An index of a ship icon to apply. ball: :class:`int` An index of a ball icon to apply. ufo: :class:`int` An index of a ufo icon to apply. wave: :class:`int` An index of a wave icon to apply. robot: :class:`int` An index of a robot icon to apply. spider: :class:`int` An index of a spider icon to apply. explosion: :class:`int` An index of a explosion to apply. special: :class:`int` The purpose of this parameter is unknown. set_as_user: :class:`.User` Passing this parameter allows to copy user's profile. """ if set_as_user is None: set_as_user = await self.to_user() user, iconset = set_as_user, set_as_user.icon_set stats_dict = { "stars": value_or(stars, user.stars), "demons": value_or(demons, user.demons), "diamonds": value_or(diamonds,, "color1": value_or(color_1, iconset.color_1.index), "color2": value_or(color_2, iconset.color_2.index), "coins": value_or(coins, user.coins), "user_coins": value_or(user_coins, user.user_coins), "special": special, "icon": value_or(icon, iconset.main), "icon_type": IconType.from_value(value_or(icon_type, iconset.main_type)).value, "acc_icon": value_or(cube, iconset.cube), "acc_ship": value_or(ship, iconset.ship), "acc_ball": value_or(ball, iconset.ball), "acc_bird": value_or(ufo, iconset.ufo), "acc_dart": value_or(wave, iconset.wave), "acc_robot": value_or(robot, iconset.robot), "acc_spider": value_or(spider, iconset.spider), "acc_explosion": value_or(explosion, iconset.explosion), "acc_glow": int(value_or(has_glow, iconset.has_glow_outline())), } await self.session.update_profile(stats_dict, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def update_settings( self, *, message_policy: Optional[Union[int, str, MessagePolicyType]] = None, friend_request_policy: Optional[Union[int, str, FriendRequestPolicyType]] = None, comment_policy: Optional[Union[int, str, CommentPolicyType]] = None, youtube: Optional[str] = None, twitter: Optional[str] = None, twitch: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """|coro| Updates profile settings of a client. .. note:: For parameter in parameters, if parameter is ``None`` or omitted, it will be set to the current policy/link of the user corresponding to this client; that implies that running the following: .. code-block:: python3 await client.update_settings() will cause no effect on profile settings. Parameters ---------- message_policy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.MessagePolicyType`] New message policy. friend_request_policy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.FriendRequestPolicyType`] New friend request policy. comment_policy: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.CommentPolicyType`] New comment history policy. youtube: :class:`str` New youtube channel string. (not link) twitter: :class:`str` New twitter profile name. twitch: :class:`str` New twitch profile name. Raises ------ :exc:`.MissingAccess` Failed to update profile. """ user = await self.to_user() profile_dict = { "message_policy": MessagePolicyType.from_value( value_or(message_policy, user.message_policy) ), "friend_request_policy": FriendRequestPolicyType.from_value( value_or(friend_request_policy, user.friend_request_policy) ), "comment_policy": CommentPolicyType.from_value( value_or(comment_policy, user.comment_policy) ), "youtube": value_or(youtube,, "twitter": value_or(twitter, user.twitter), "twitch": value_or(twitch, user.twitch), } await self.session.update_settings(**profile_dict, client=self)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_quests(self) -> List[Quest]: """|coro| Get quests of a user. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Quest`] Quests of a user. """ data = await self.session.get_quests(client=self) return list(Quest(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] @check_logged async def get_chests(self, reward_type: Union[int, str, RewardType] = 0) -> List[Chest]: """|coro| Get chests of a user. Parameters ---------- reward_type: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`.RewardType`] Reward type. If given and non-zero, "opens" a chest. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Chest`] Chests of a user. """ reward_type = RewardType.from_value(reward_type) data = await self.session.get_chests(reward_type, client=self) return list(Chest(**part, client=self) for part in data)
[docs] async def search_levels_on_page( self, page: int = 0, query: Union[str, int] = "", filters: Optional[Filters] = None, user: Optional[Union[int, AbstractUser]] = None, gauntlet: Optional[Union[Gauntlet, int]] = None, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, ) -> List[Level]: """|coro| Searches levels on given page by given query, applying filters as well. Parameters ---------- page: :class:`int` A page to search levels on. query: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`] A query to search with. filters: :class:`.Filters` Filters to apply, as an object. user: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`.AbstractUser`] A user to search levels by. (if :class:`.Filters` has parameter ``strategy`` equal to :class:`.SearchStrategy` ``BY_USER``. Can be omitted, then logged in client is required.) gauntlet: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`.Gauntlet`] A gauntlet to get levels in. exclude: Tuple[Type[:exc:`BaseException`]] Exceptions to ignore. By default includes only :exc:`.NothingFound`. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Level`] Levels found on given page. """ if isinstance(user, AbstractUser): user = if isinstance(gauntlet, Gauntlet): gauntlet = lvdata, cdata, sdata = await self.session.search_levels_on_page( page=page, query=query, filters=filters, user_id=user, gauntlet=gauntlet, exclude=exclude, client=self, ) return construct_levels(lvdata, cdata, sdata, client=self)
[docs] async def search_levels( self, query: Union[str, int] = "", filters: Optional[Filters] = None, user: Optional[Union[int, AbstractUser]] = None, gauntlet: Optional[Union[int, Gauntlet]] = None, pages: Optional[Iterable[int]] = range(10), ) -> List[Level]: """|coro| Searches levels on given pages. Parameters ---------- query: Union[:class:`str`,:class:`int`] A query to search with. filters: :class:`.Filters` Filters to apply, as an object. user: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`.AbstractUser`] A user to search levels by. (if :class:`.Filters` has parameter ``strategy`` equal to :class:`.SearchStrategy` ``BY_USER``. Can be omitted, then logged in client is required.) pages: Iterable[:class:`int`] Pages to look at, represented as a finite sequence, so iterations can be performed. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Level`] List of levels found. Can be an empty list. """ if isinstance(user, AbstractUser): user = if isinstance(gauntlet, Gauntlet): gauntlet = lvdata, cdata, sdata = await self.session.search_levels( query=query, filters=filters, user_id=user, gauntlet=gauntlet, pages=pages, client=self ) return utils.unique(construct_levels(lvdata, cdata, sdata, client=self))
[docs] async def on_new_daily(self, level: Level) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a new daily level is set. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] async def on_new_weekly(self, level: Level) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a new weekly demon is assigned. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] async def on_level_rated(self, level: Level) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a new level is rated. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] async def on_level_unrated(self, level: Level) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a level is unrated. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] async def on_message(self, message: Message) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a logged in client gets a message. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] async def on_friend_request(self, friend_request: FriendRequest) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a logged in client gets a friend request. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] async def on_level_comment(self, level: Level, comment: Comment) -> Any: """|coro| This is an event that is fired when a comment is posted on some level. See :ref:`events` for more info. """ pass
[docs] def listen_for( self, type: str, entity_id: Optional[int] = None, delay: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """Function for enabling listeners of events. .. code-block:: python3 client.listen_for("daily") @client.event async def on_new_daily(level: gd.Level) -> None: print(f"New daily: {} (ID: {}).") See :ref:`events` for more info. """ lower = str(type).lower() kwargs = {"client": self} if delay is not None: kwargs["delay"] = delay if lower in {"daily", "weekly"}: listener = TimelyLevelListener(timely_type=lower, **kwargs) elif lower in {"rate", "unrate"}: listener = RateLevelListener(listen_to_rate=(lower == "rate"), **kwargs) elif lower in {"friend_request", "message"}: listener = MessageOrRequestListener(listen_messages=(lower == "message"), **kwargs) elif lower in {"level_comment"}: if entity_id is None: raise ClientException(f"Entity ID is required for type: {lower!r}.") listener = LevelCommentListener(level_id=entity_id, **kwargs) else: raise ClientException(f"Invalid listener type: {type!r}.") self.listeners.append(listener) return self.event # allow using as a decorator
[docs] async def dispatch(self, event_name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: r"""|coro| Dispatch an event given by ``event_name`` with ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``. Parameters ---------- event_name: :class:`str` Name of event to dispatch, e.g. ``"new_daily"``. \*args Args to call handler with. \*\*kwargs Keyword args to call handler with. Returns ------- Any Whatever handler returns. """ name = "on_" + event_name"Dispatching event {name!r}, client: {self!r}") try: method = getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: return return await utils.maybe_coroutine(method, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, coro: Coroutine, *, debug: bool = False) -> Any: """A handy shortcut for :func:``. This is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python3, loop=self.loop, debug=debug) """ return, loop=self.loop, debug=debug)
[docs] def event(self, coro: Coroutine) -> Coroutine: """A decorator that registers an event to listen to. Events must be a |coroutine_link|_, if not, :exc:`TypeError` is raised. Example ------- .. code-block:: python3 @client.event async def on_level_rated(level): print( Raises ------ :exc:`TypeError` The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("event registered must be a coroutine function.") setattr(self, coro.__name__, coro) log.debug("%s has been successfully registered as an event.", coro.__name__) return coro
class LoginSession: """Small wrapper around Client.login method. Allows to temporarily login and execute a block of code in an <async with> statement. """ def __init__(self, client: Client, username: str, password: str) -> None: self._client = client self._name = username self._pass = password async def __aenter__(self) -> Client: await self._client.login(self._name, self._pass) return self._client async def __aexit__(self, *exc) -> None: self._client.close() def value_or(value: Any, default: Any) -> Any: return default if value is None else value